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How to work just yuri 1.15

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Good scenario for increasing gold.Turns 17/25 Woodland Dreams – Pretty straightforward. Lady of the lake- Took me 5 attempts I kept trying to brute force my way west and get killed by all the monsters. Turns 37/42īlue Moon - Not much to say here. The fight were easy, the demon lords start off slowed so they are no big deal. Love the dialogue between yumi and aryel. Scenario 3 (Black Cauldron) – Demon sword dancers have dextrous which they cant use. Also, when I found the allied demons, all the powerful enemies were already dead, not helpful at all, since they only seem to attack enemies in range and don’t budge otherwise. I also triggered the lava event prematurely, compounding my troubles, and farmed the respawning enemies for exp.

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Plus, faeries can no longer be recruited from next scenario onward so it would have helped to had a few in my recall list.

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With so many marksmen demons around, its better to bring a large number of fodder imo, especially since gold is plentiful. Lost only 1 fire faeire but could have lost more. I took only 10 units including the 2 heroes and had to fight desperately to get to the goal point. Scenario 2 – Your note about recruiting few units put me in serious trouble. The early finish bonus is massive due to 2 gold per village.

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